The plant was founded in 1899 under the company Hassmann and son, and from the very beginning the machinery production has been introduced here focused on the production of stone-cutting machines.
In 1912, the plant was joined to the enterprise with its head office in Bilsk. The production structure was extended by the production of machines for wood working, equipment for distilleries, hand pumps and hydropower plant turbines.
In 1949, the plant was taken over by the national enterprise Ostroj Opava and its production programme was gradually changed. The plant produced small mining machines and unit parts for mining mechanisation, such as hydraulic jacks and transporters.
In 1961, the plant became a part of company Moravské chemické závody (Moravian Chemical Works) Ostrava and started producing a wide assortment of products for chemical industry and pressure tanks. The production character changed from small-scale production to piece production with higher requirements for qualifications of technical and worker professions.
During big privatisation, the plant was sold to the company Ondřejovická strojírna s.r.o. that specialises in producing pressure equipment according to the Czech standards as well as the foreign standards ASME Code, AD2000,GOST R,UDT. The company is authorised to produce technical equipment dedicated for nuclear energetics. It is also a monopolist manufacturer of stuffing-box-less pumps (Forman type) intended for aggressive media.
At the present, technological, qualification and production conditions have been created here for managing the production of demanding products and equipment.
In February 2010, the company Ondřejovická strojírna spol. s r.o. merged with the company Fagonia Consulting. The result of this merger was the establishment of the company Ondřejovická strojírna, a. s.
On 1.4.2020 there was the split of the company Ondřejovická strojírna a.s. in the form of spin-off and demerger with ONDRSTROJ ENGINEERGING s.r.o. and ONDRSTROJ Majetková s.r.o..